UWA Branch Events
Did you know...
...that many of your tutors and lecturers are employed under casual or short-term contracts,
and may never be replaced if they leave the university?
...that many of your tutors and lecturers end up working for free,
because they’re simply not paid for all the hours it takes to do their job properly?
...that many university staff delay having children, or struggle for secure housing,
because they don’t have job security and wages haven’t kept up with inflation?
...that workloads have skyrocketed as colleagues leave the university due to brutal restructures?
The status quo hurts university staff, and poses a clear risk to your education, too.
Staff working conditions are student learning conditions.
The NTEU is currently negotiating new wages and conditions for UWA staff.
But YOU also have a place in making UWA a better place to work and study!
What can you do?
Senior management at UWA needs to see that the community is behind us, and signing this petition is a simple way to do that.
When you sign the petition you can also opt to receive updates about the progress of our negotiations.
Find the petition here (you will be taken to petition site: megaphone.com.au in a new window)
Sign up to stay informed about NTEU bargaining and events here
Find out more about working conditions at UWA and other Australian universities. A quick search online will uncover a number of articles in the media - here is a sample:
‘Appallingly unethical’: why Australian universities are at breaking point
The Guardian, 11 April 2023
Inside Australia’s university wage theft machine
The Age, 15 April 2023
Blowing the whistle on Australia’s ‘broken’ university system
The Guardian Full Story podcast, 18 April 2023)
Follow the NTEU on social media:
NTEU National: Twitter
NTEU National: Facebook (yes, we know you're not on Facebook but just in case!)
NTEU WA Division: Facebook