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NTEU Membership fees 

NTEU members decided that the fee for continuing and fixed-term workers will be 1% of your gross annual salary, meaning someone earning $65,000 per year will pay approximately $650 a year (before tax).


The NTEU Membership fee structure allows for a well-funded, strong union to support members in the workplace and is based on the principle that the more you earn the more you pay, so that those who can most afford to contribute assist in supporting those who can’t. 


Please note: The following chart is an indication only of the range of fees payable between each $10K tier.

For example, on a salary of $72,577.10 (the current salary for a Curtin professional/general staff member on HEW 5.1), the fortnightly payroll deduction would be $27.91, or $60.48, if you chose to pay monthly via credit card or direct debit.

Your actual rate will be determined by the dollar figure of your gross salary.

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NTEU National website

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NTEU National website

NTEU Membership Rates_1.png

Payment options

Fortnightly payroll deductions: Please check with your university payroll officer if payroll deductions are an option for you.

By credit card: Option to pay monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.

By debit card: Option to pay monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.

Please contact your branch for an estimate of fees if you choose to pay quarterly, half-yearly or annually.

Fees for casuals, sessional staff and currently unemployed tertiary sector workers are much lower,
as detailed in the chart below. 
NTEU Rates for Casuals (1024 × 500px).png

You should also be reminded that union fees are fully tax-deductible.

Check out ATO Tax Info for Members for more useful information


As a not-for-profit organisation, we put all our resources back into improving working conditions to members, defending them in the workplace, and campaigning for a better tertiary education for all. 


Membership for postgraduate students, which includes access to communications and union activities is free.


Ready to make the commitment to work together for better universities? 

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